Primary Sources
Miller, Joaquin. Pacific Poems. London: Whittingham and Wilkins. [Published during Miller's stay in London, this material appears in Songs of the Sierras.] [BAN] [RCL]. [PMC states that this 107 page publication has “printer as publisher” in London, Eng.] [UOL has a copy in their “Rare Book” collection (107 pages).] [HON has a copy and notes that their copy is one of 100 copies printed.] [AAS has a presentation copy inscribed by Miller.] [BAL (6:183) notes three bindings were issued. See [BAL] for specific details concerning each binding.] [HUN says Whittingham and Wilkins Printers and Publishers.] [MGK]
-----. Songs of the Sierras. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer. 1,000 copies were printed. 301 pages. [PMC] [RCL] [HON has a copy with a holograph letter, signed by Miller, laid in.] [MNS says Longmans & Co. for the author.] [The Joaquin Miller Newsletter’s theme poem is from this version of “In men whom men declare….” p.299.] [MGK]
-----. Songs of the Sierras. Toronto, Canada: The Canadian News & Publishing Co. 200 pages. 1,000 copies were printed. [AAS has a first edition.] [UOL] [USC] [HON] [PMC] [Includes: Arizonian, With Walker in Nicaragua, The Last Tschasta The Tale of the Tall Alcalde, Kit Carson's Ride, Burns and Byron, Myrrh, and Even So.] [These poems first inspired Harr Wagner to move to California.] [MGK]
-----. Songs of the Sierras. 1st Edition. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1871. 299 pp. [Middlebury College] [WC] [MCK] 1,000 copies were printed. [UOL] [OAK] [SPL] [MES [LHM] [FRS] [NUV] [USC] [PMC] [UOL has three copies.] [HON has a copy with a handwritten note with author concerning origin of these poems.] [HON has two first editions with a holograph letter, signed by Miller, laid in. They also have a fourth copy with extracts from reviews at end.] [AAS has a first edition.] [BAL (6:184) notes that the texts vary considerably between the London and American editions.] [See also 1873] [MGK]
Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Company, 1871.[MCK]
By Joaquin Miller. Longmans and Company, 1871.[MCK]
[Also published 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1880-1889]
Bear Edition. San Francisco: Harr Wagner Pub. Co. 1920.
1909. 234pp. [WC] [MCK]
Series: Joaquin Miller’s Poems, volume 2. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Literature House, 1970. 1871. 299pp. [WC] [MCK] [Reprint of 1871 edition.]
-----. From Sea to Sea. William Michael Rossetti. London: E. Moxon, Son & Co. [BAL] [MGK]
-----. Grizzly papers by "Ursus" [probably not Miller] Overland Monthly. [MGK]
-----. The Wanderer's Poem. The Christmas Locket: A Holiday Number of Old and New. Boston: Roberts Brothers. pp. 5-6. [BAL says this poem became At Bethlehem in Songs of Sunlands, London 1873, and in Complete Poetical Works, San Francisco 1897.] [MGK]
-----. “Oregon Verse in London.” Oregonian (16 February 1871): 2:1. [MUL Micro] [MCK]
-----. "Scenes in Central England." Overland Monthly 6.5 (May 1871): 409-418. [Mainly on Byron] [MGK] [OAK] [HON] [CAL] [SPL] [MOA] [MCK]
-----. Love is Clean. California Mail Bag 1 (July 1871): 24. [CAL] [MGK]
-----. Kit Carson's Ride. Harper's Weekly 15.162 (5 August 1871): 1-2. [HON][MGK]
-----. Myrrh. By Cincinatus H. Miller. New Northwest (5 August 1871) [OHS micro] [MGK]
Printed next to Minnie’s “Sacrifice Impetro.” The Oregon State Journal [Eugene, Oregon] (11 June 1870): 1 [OHS micro] [MCK]
-----. “As Joaquin Sees It.” Chicago Tribune (7 August 1871): 1. [FST] [MCK]
Reprinted in “To Chilkoot Pass, 1897.” Edited by O. W. FST, Alaska Review 2 (Spring & Summer 1966): 43.
-----. Kit Carson's Ride. Living Age (12 August 1871): 110. “This poem was copied from Dark Blue, an English magazine.” [PMC in her second notebook, records “in Rare Book Room, AP4.D2, 2:120, G.F. Armstrong.”] [OAK has this poem with no date.] [MGK]
-----. "On and About the Avon." Sacramento Daily Union 42.7295, (30 September 1871): 3: 4-6. [CAL] [CSC] [MGK]
-----. "On and About the Avon." Overland Monthly 7.4 (October 1871): 325-331. [OAK] [HON] [CAL] [SPL] [MOA] [MGK] [MCK] ["...it looked like the Waldo Hills of Oregon."] [MGK]
-----. “A Card from Joaquin Miller.” San Francisco Newsletter and California Advertiser 7 October 1871: 3. [FST] Reprinted from the New York Tribune. [PET] [MCK]
-----. Letter to New York Tribune (7 October 1871) [PET] [MCK]
-----. A Tropical Forest. The Golden Era 19.47(15 October 1871): 4:6. [CAL] [MGK]
-----. From Sea to Sea. The Golden Era 19.49 (29 October 1871): 5: 4. [CAL] [MGK]
-----. From Sea to Sea. Scribner's Monthly 3.1 (November 1871): 95-98 [HON] [WWU] [MGK] [MOA] [MCK]
-----. The Frenzy of Despair. San Francisco Daily Alta California 23.7902, (12 November 1871) 4:1. [A poem about his failed marriage.] [HON] [CAL] [MGK]
-----. Ina. The Independent. New York (15 December 1871) [HON] [MGK]
-----. “The Last Man of Mexican Camp.” Sacramento Daily Union 62.7373 (30 December 1871): 2:1-4. [CAL] [MGK]

Secondary Sources
Anonymous. Songs of the Sierras. By Joaquin Miller. Extracts from Some Reviews of the New American Poet, Which Have Appeared in the English Literary Journals—the Criticisms of Some of the Most Learned Critics of the Day. Boston: Roberts Brothers. [RCL] [BAL (6:216)] [MGK]
“Cited in Blanck [Blanck, Jacob, comp. Bibliography of American Literature. New Haven: Yale UP, 1973. Vol. 6: 182-217.] [RCL 20] [MCK]
Rossetti, William M. “Joaquin Miller.” Dublin University Magazine. Vol. 87, p. 90 (1871) [MGK] LXXXVII (1871) [PET] [MCK]
Thurnberry, Walter.Rev. of Pacific Poems in London Graphic cited by Marberry. [MCK]
Notice of The Oneida Community. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (12 May 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Mrs. M. Miller is at present engaged in canvassing for this book. While we do not comment the book, we are anxious that everybody should buy it, as by its sale the lawful mother of “Joaquin” Miller’s children hopes to earn bread for her dependent family. She is a lady of refinement and intelligence. Her heart is growing strong under its burdens and we predict that the day is not far-distant when she will be able to prove that she can become more deservedly famous than the pampered ‘Judge’ who deserted his wife and children in the hour of their sorest need. Buy the book, ye men who have money, and enable “Joaquin’s” family to live.”
Academy Review of Songs of the Sierras. In London The Athenaeum 2275 (3 June 1871): 680-681. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Believes that Miller resembles Browning in his novel metaphors and in his humor, but he is no copyist. He is best in his lyrics and poor in his blank and unrhymed verse, which is spasmodic and bombastic. He does not have a front place among modern poets, but he is true and original singer” [RCL 19]
Rossetti, William M[ichael]. Review of California, Ina, and The Tale of the
Tall Alcalde in Songs of the Sierras. In The Academy 2 (London) (15 June 1871): 301-303). [CCL] [RCL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Praises Songs of the Sierras ‘as the work of an admirable poet of whom America may be proud. While Miller bears a considerable relationship to Byron in his romantic narrative fancy and brooding melancholy, he has actually experienced his semicivilized adventure. There are faulty lines, platitudes of phrase, and inadmissible words, but these are minor flaws compared to his ability to interfuse external nature and the human soul in his descriptive passages, and the excitement and ambition of his poetical genius.’” [RCL 21]
-----. Edwin. “Boston Literary News. Joaquin Miller, the New Poet.” (New York) The Evening Post 70 (22 June 1871): 1 :1.[MGK]
“Miller’s Songs of the Sierras.” (London) The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. 31 (24 June 1871): 808. [CCL] [PET] [MCK] [RCL says pp. 808-809.] [MGK]
“Declares that ‘a new poet has come to us from a new country.’ Miller possesses the genuine poetic faculty. He is a transatlantic representative of Byronism, but ‘it is not upon the dreams of a morbid imagination, but upon his own actual experience . . . that he has drawn.’ His lines glow with tropical passion, and there is a ring of genuineness even in his most feverish and overcharged passages.” [RCL 18]
Review of Songs of the Sierras. Westminster Review. n.s. 55 (July 1871): 297-298. [RCL] Westminster Review. Vol. 95 [MGK] [MCK]
“States that like Whitman, Miller reminds us of no one else. He has a rough, wild humor, presenting strongly marked characters and fresh and original descriptions of nature. But he must beware of letting his great dramatic power sink into mere bombast” [RCL 20]
“Review of Kit Carson’s Ride.” etc. in Songs of the Sierras. (England) The Spectator. Vol. 44 (8 July 1871): 832-833. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK]
Review of Songs of the Sierras. The Spectator 44 (8 July 1871): 832-834. [RCL] [MCK]
“Lengthy Review with numerous excerpts. ‘…Although Miller shows many blemishes, he has a freshness of vision, especially in his description of nature, found in no other American poet, including Walt Whitman. ‘He may well achieve far greater things in the future.’” [RCL 20]
“Joaquin Miller, the New California Poet.” New York Times. (11 July 1871): 4:7. [”An old school-mate of Joaquin Miller, the New California Poet, contributes to the Washington Sunday Morning Chronicle the following curious sketch of his life.” [Probably Miller himself.] [MGK]
H. R. K. “Joaquin Miller, the New California Poet.” New York Times 11 July 1871: 4. [NYT online] [See also Kincaid following] [MCK]
Kincaid, H. R. “The Oregon Poet, C. H. Miller, alias Joaquin Miller.”
-----. New York Times 11 July 1871: 4. [NYT online].[MCK]
-----. Oregonian 27 July 1871: 1:6. [MCK]
-----. Washington Sunday Chronicle (initially appeared here) [MCK]
-----. Every Saturday 12 (3 February 1872): 116-118. [MCK]
Yreka Journal. Yreka, CA. July 17. [Editor is “informed that Joaquin Miller has written a new work relating to matters in Siskiyou County, entitled The Shadows of Shasta.] [MGK]
“A New California Poet.” (21 July 1871). Handwritten. [OHS Clippings File] [MCK] [See H.R.K. 11 July 1871 above] [MGK]
[Harte, Bret] “Notes.” Every Saturday 3 (22 July 1871): 91. [MGK]
“Brief note, highly critical. There is a vast amount of verbiage in Miller’s work, although with an occasional fresh line or epithet. It is hard to understand ‘the furor which he and his poetry have created in England’” [RCL 21] [MCK]
“Joaquin Miller.” Evening Transcript (Boston) (22 July 1871): 2. Cited in Mark
Twain’s Letters. 5 Volumes. Edited by Lin Salamo and Harriet Elinor Smith. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: U of California P, 1997. [MCK] [See Fischer, Victor, and Michael B. Frank (eds.), and Lin Salamo (assoc. ed.), Mark Twain’s Letters, vol. 4: 1870-71(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995) [MGK]
Armstrong, George Francis. Quotations from a letter by Armstrong in New York’s The Evening Post 70 (Thursday 27 July 1871): 2: 4-5. [MGK]
“Cincinnatus H. Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (28 July 1871). [OHS micro] [MCK]. Reprint of excerpts from the Pall Mall Gazette and The Sunday Times Reviews and comments on these excerpts. The writer also corrects errors such as the Gazette’s quote that Miller had only traveled in California and Mexico before going to New York and the Times’ assertion that Songs of the Sierras was Miller’s first book.

The New Northwest Review is [of] the London edition and the Reviewer states that the American edition will soon be out and peppers the article with snippy attacks on Miller such as “when a man barters connubial constancy and matrimonial honor for poetic fame we are free to confess that he has paid all that the bubble is worth; and we greatly err in judgment if our bard does not live to see the day when he will realize the fact.”
“A Few Facts About Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (28 July 1871): 1. [MUL micro] [MCK]
“Mr. Joaquin Miller, the Oregon poet, formerly of Grant County, has struck a lead in London with his Songs of the Sierras. He is reported to be the latest pet of the best critical and poetical authorship of the town; the associate of the Rossettis, of Morris, of Jean Ingelow, and others. The principal papers have given him laudatory criticism; and Froude, the historian; Swinburne and Rossetti are to do that office for him in some other leading Reviews….”
“The Poet Miller.” Daily Oregon Herald (29 July 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“The New Northwest speaks of Cincinnatus H. Miller, alias Joaquin Miller, as ‘a truant husband . . . ’ This sounds harshly, but it has the semblance of truth. Miller went from Oregon with about eight thousand dollars of gold, leaving behind him his divorced wife and babes, who were found afterwards in this city - almost destitute, struggling bravely against poverty - to whom several gentlemen of Portland provided for in their need, as the natural husband and father should have done. It may be indeed a question whether a man so lacking in the love for his own wife and children, which is supposed God has implanted in every human heart, can ever become a real poet. It is indeed claimed by some that Miller has received most of his poetical cultivation from his wife, who has written really finer poems than ever Miller produced.”…”The editor of the Eugene Journal, writing to the Washington Chronicle concerning Miller says: “Mrs. Miller’s – “ ‘Sacrifice Impetro’ [in answer to Miller’s Myrrh]- was published in the Daily Herald of June 16th, 1870, and was really a finer poem than Miller himself ever wrote. In this poem Mrs. Miller alluded to the circumstances narrated,,,” in this article. [A reprint of the poem then follows] [MCK]
Editor of Eugene Journal. “The Poet Miller.” Washington Chronicle (29 July 1871) Handwritten. [OHS Clippings File]. [Article quotes from New Northwest. Article also appeared in the New York Times] [MCK]
Anonymous. “New California Poet.” The Plebeian. Vol. 1 (29 July 1871): 1. [RCL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Quotes from the Virginia Enterprise concerning a new California poet who calls himself ‘Joaquin Miller,’ although his true name is Henry [sic]” [RCL 19]
Rossetti, William M. “A New American Poet.” Eclectic Magazine. (London, England.) Vol. 77 (August 1871): 240-243. [PMC] Reprinted from Songs of the Sierras, The Academy. [RCL] [MGK] [PET] [MCK] [Also n.s. 14 (August 1871): 240-243. Reprint [RCL 21].
Anonymous. Review of Songs of the Sierras. In “Current Literature” section Overland Monthly. Vol. 7.2 (August 1871): 197-199. [RCL] [OAK] [CCL] [MGK] [MOA] [MCK]
“Harte vs. Miller.” California Mail Bag 1 (August 1871): 14. [CAL] [RCL] [HUN] [MGK]
“Quotes from Review of Songs of the Sierras in Every Saturday that is critical of Miller’s poetic abilities and of the acclaim he has received in English periodicals. Identifies the editor (incorrectly) as Bret Harte and proceeds to compare lines from Harte and Miller, to Harte’s disadvantage.” [RCL 17-18] [MCK]
“California’s New Poet.” California Mail Bag. 1 (August 1871): 27. [CAL] [RCL] [MGK]
“That Vulgar Fraud.” Letter of Bayard Taylor to General Edward F. Beale (27 August 1871) California Reader. http://www.notfrisco.com/calmem/miller/taylor.html 4/10/2000. [MGK] [See hard file 1871]
“The Poet Miller.” Sacramento Daily Union 41.7246 (4 August 1871): 1:7. [CAL] [CSC] [From the Portland, Oregon Bulletin.] [Attacks Miller and defends his wife. Says Miller deserted his children.] [See Miller’s letter to Dr J.D. Miller from Port Orford, Oregon dated June 27, 1870.] [MGK]
“C. H. Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (4 August 1871): 1. [OHS micro]. [MCK]
The article opens with: “ . . . . please take notice the Oregonian, Herald and Bulletin, of this city, fully endorse our views of the moral status of the man and the genius of his deserted wife. The Bulletin article is so pithy, pointed and telling that we give it in full.” A reprint of the Bulletin article then follows, reading in part: “there is no language strong enough to justly denounce the meanness, cowardice and villainy of the man . . . ”
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. Sacrifice Impetro. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (4 August 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK].
This article quotes specifics from the poem, sympathizes with Mrs. Miller, trashes on Joaquin, retells the story of Joaquin running off Minnie’s suitor and concludes: “Mrs. Miller’s poem seems to us the wail of a broken heart.”
New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (5 August 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
Printing of Joaquin’s Myrrh and Minnie’s Sacrifice Impetro side by side.
“Two Poems Compared - The Farewell and the Response.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (5 August 1871) [MULMicro] [MCK] Comment on the poems (Myrrh and Sacrifice Impetro) which were printed side by side and on the authors.
“California’s New Poet.” San Francisco News-Letter and California Advertiser. (5 August 1871): 2. [FST: “The anonymous writer was one of Miller’s classmates at Columbia College and editor of a rival newspaper in Eugene.”] [MGK] [FST 132] [MCK]
“California’s New Poet.” California Mail Bag 1 (August 1871): 27. [RCL], [MAR]
“Biographical sketch of ‘C. Hiner Miller’ by one who knew him in Columbia College and later. ‘He is as impulsive and reckless as Byron, but is a true and noble friend’” (RCL 17). [MCK]
“A Singer from the Far West.” Review of Songs of the Sierras, Chambers Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art. 4th ser. 48 (5 August 1871): 487-490. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK] [MCK]
“States that Miller will secure a wide audience for his work in Europe, for he is a true poet and writes about subjects of which civilized persons know nothing. Extensive quotations from ‘With Walker in Nicaragua’ that the Reviewer accepts as true biography” [RCL 19]
“Such is Fame.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (18 August 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“C. H. Miller, ex-editor of the Eugene Register and ex-county Judge of Grant county, has published a book of poems and become a man of fame in London. The fact make us think no more of Miller, but much less of the Londoners.

During the time that he was connected with the Register, he published one or more serial stories under his own name and called them original. They were, however, stolen bodily from some of the flash publications of that day. The plagiarism was palpable and audacious. For particulars, we refer the curious to the files of the paper named, of, if we mistake not, the year 1862, in the Librarian’s office at Salem…. Poets are only a little lower than the angels. No such base metal as this Charles Heiner Miller ever gave out the true poetic ring. He is simply gifted with rare impudence. He is only a compound of brass and bad grammar. If his be fame, then what is fame worth?” - Albany Democrat
Rossetti, William M. “A review of Songs of the Sierras.” Reprinted from The Academy. Littel’s Living Age. Vol. 110 (19 August 1871): 505-509. [CCL] [PMC] [RCL] [MGK]
Rossetti, William M. “Songs of the Sierras.” Littel’s Living Age, 4th ser. 22 (19 August 1871): 505-509. [WC] [RCL] [MCK]
“Joaquin Heard From.” New Northwest [Portland, Oregon] 25 August 1871. [MUL micro] [MCK]
“We learn that Mr. William Davidson has received a letter from the poet Miller, accompanied by one addressed to Mrs. Miller.

The letter to Mr. Davidson requests that gentleman to do him the favor to find the address of Mrs. Miller and forward his letter to the same. Mr. Davidson is also requested to write to Mr. Miller at once, giving particulars as to the whereabouts of his wife, and all about the children. We are pleased to give Mr. Miller the credit of having at last remembered his babes and we hope ere long to see him prove his regard for his children in some substantial manner. We hope that he will also pecuniarily reward their heroic mother for her devotion to her helpless family.”
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “Have Mercy.” By Minnie. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (25 August 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
Anonymous. “Literary Notes.” Appleton’s Journal. Vol. 6.126 (26 August 1871): 247-248. [RCL] [MGK] Reprint of Rev. of Songs of the Sierras, Spectator (London) [MOA] [MCK]
Chambers, William and Robert. “A Singer from the Far West.” Chambers Journal 48 (31 August 1871): 487-488. “good criticism” [PMC] [MGK]
Spofford, Harriet Prescott. “Joaquin Miller’s Poems.” Old and New. Vol. 4 (September 1871): 371-376 [RCL] [MGK]
“Review of Songs of the Sierras. Miller ‘has, in literature, discovered America.’ There are suggestions of metrical poverty and imitation, but there is novelty in the drama and power in the images of nature. He who dismisses Miller with a sneer ‘makes a great mistake’” [RCL 22]
Froude, James Anthony. Review of Kit Carson’s Ride in Songs of the Sierras. Fraser’s Magazine.(London) Vol. 84 (September 1871): 346-355. [PMC] n.s. Vol. 4.21 (September 1871): 346-355. [Microfiche] [CSC] [RCL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Detailed résumé of the five narrative poems in Songs of the Sierras with copious quotations. Describes the poetry as exuberant and fresh, and states that, though his philosophy is still crude and his dramatic power ill-disciplined, Miller is ‘the most remarkable narrative poet that America has yet produced’” [RCL 18]
“Joaquin Miller’s Songs of the Sierras.” Fraser’s Magazine (September 1871): 355. [BSL] [MAR] [MCK]
Anonymous. “Joaquin Miller: Sketch of the New Poet.” The Daily Alta California 23.7843 (September 1871): 1:4. [CAL] [FST: “The anonymous writer was one of Miller’s classmates at Columbia College and editor of a rival newspaper in Eugene.”] [MGK]
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “A Woman’s Reply.” By Minnie Myrtle Miller. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (1 September 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“New Publications.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. The New York Times (18 September 1871): 2:1. [RCL] [MGK] [NYT online] [MCK]
“Miller’s work is marked with a ‘paucity of ideas, a feebleness of fancy, and a parrot-like limitation of language.’ Its one merit is its high dramatic quality, but even this borders on the absurd. However, if Miller is a young man, we may look for better things from him in the future.” [RCL 19]
Miller, Theresa Dyer. “Chansons.” By Minnie Myrtle. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (20 September 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Chansons” first appeared in the Statesman.
Dennett, J.R. “Miller’s Songs of the Sierras.” The Nation 13 (21 September 1871): 196-197. [CCL] [RCL] [PMC says “Sarcastic, severe criticism.”] [MGK]
“While there is something excellent in ‘The Arazonian,’ most of Miller’s poetry is puerile and bedlamite, and his style and versification are faulty. Furthermore, he has done a disservice to the true pioneer in his treatment of Kit Carson, and a more realistic portrayal of the men who inhabit the Rocky Mountains might make his poetry worthy of the praise of Mr. William Rossetti, whose latest discovery he is” [RCL 20] [MCK]
Armstrong, George Francis. “Mr. Miller’s Songs of the Sierras. Dark Blue Magazine 2 (21 September 1871): 120-128. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK]
Armstrong, George Francis. “Mr. Miller’s Songs of the Sierras.” Dark Blue Magazine 2 (September 1871): 120-128. [RCL] [MAR] [MCK]
“Highly laudatory Review, stressing Miller’s western character, his originality, and his vigorous imagination. ‘Joaquin Miller is the first real poet to whom Western America has given birth’” (RCL 20).
“Personal, Political and General.” New York Times (14 September 1871): 2. [NYT Online]. On Saturday, Joaquin’s brother, Dr. J. D. Miller died in Easton, Pennsylvania. [MCK]
Anonymous. Review of Songs of the Sierras. The Daily Alta California (27 September 1871): 2:1. [CAL] [MGK]
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “Miss Anthony’s Lectures - Observanda.” By Mrs. M. M. Miller. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (29 September 1871): 1. [MUL Micro]. Lengthy article. [MCK]
Beale, E.F. Review of Kit Carson’s Ride. (London) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 109 (October1871): 439. [MGK]
“American Books.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. (London) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 110 (October 1871): 434. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK]
“American Books.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 110 (October 1871): 434.
RCL describes the Review of Songs of the Sierras as follows: “This work contains a curious and crude, sometimes splendid poetry. While there is often too much youthful exuberance, the book represents ‘a new spring which has bubbled up . . . in the somewhat flat and tame plains of literature in America’” (RCL 17).
Spofford, Harriet Prescott. “Joaquin Miller’s Poems.” California Mail Bag 1 (October and November 1871): 36. [CAL] [RCL] [MGK]
“Quotes conclusion of article on Miller by Harriet Prescott Spofford in September number of Old and New” [RCL 18]
Anonymous. San Francisco News-Letter and California Advertiser (7 October 1871) [MGK]
“The New California Poet.” Appleton’s 6.132 (7 October 1871): 416-417. [MOA] [MCK]
“Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest [Portland, Oregon] 20 October 1871. [Mult Micro] [MCK]
“While at Salem last week we were informed by the worthy and discarded wife of this erratic sham that he had the audacity to send her a form of renunciation or denial of the charges of desertion, etc., which the New Northwest has made against him, seconded by other prominent journals that knew the facts, requesting her to copy and sign the same and send it to the Oregonian for publication. This, too, in face of the fact - as related to us by Mrs. Miller herself - that when the accounts of his feastings and fetings in London reached her his children were in actual need of bread!
Can human audacity any farther go?”
Mention of Miller in Editorial Notes. Daily Alta California 23.7883 (24 October 1871): 2:2. [CAL] [In Sacramento on way to Oregon.] [MGK]
“Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (27 October 1871) [Mult Micro] [MCK]
“One Hour.” By Minnie M. Miller. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (27 October 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK] Inscribed to R. W. M.
“Contemporary Literature.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. Ladies’ Repository
8.5 (November 1871): 392-394 [MGK] A monthly periodical devoted to literature, arts, and religion. [MOA] [MCK]
“Current Literature.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. The Galaxy 12.5 (November 1871): 717-719. [MOA] [MCK]
“Joaquin Miller.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. Scribner’s Monthly 3.1 (November 1871): 125-127. [MOA] ]MCK]
“Kit Carson’s Ride.” New Northwest (Portland, ) (3 November 1871) [MUL micro] [MCK] Reprints of Reviews from New York Tribune and Jacksonville Times “Lecturing Tour.”
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “A Few Words for the Men.” By M. M. Miller. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (3 November 1871): 1. [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Pickings.” Oregonian (7 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“The Pittsburgh Commercial seems to have no great opinion of Joaquin Miller, as calls him it a ‘literary ring-tailed roarer.”
“Oregon.” Oregonian (10 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Joaquin Miller reached Eugene City from California on Wednesday.”
“Lower Soda Springs.” Shasta Courier. Shasta, CA. (11 November 1871) [Bailey writes editor and mentions Miller stayed at his place “while on his way to Portland.”] [MGK]
Review of Songs of the Sierras. The Examiner. No. 3328 (11 November 1871): 1122-1124. [RCL] [BSL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Laudatory Review of this Mexican poet [sic]. The poems are ‘instinct with manly and independent feeling’” [RCL 19]
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “Letter to the People of Oregon from the Poet’s Wife.” New York Times, November 20 reprint of letter to the Oregonian editor of November 5, 1871, p. 8:3. [See Hale, Vol. 2, pp. 115-116 for Hale’s opinion on Minnie Myrtle’s letter of 1871 and on “American Poetry.”] [MGK]
“Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (16 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Severe.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (16 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“The Golden City, the leading literary journal of San Francisco, has the following severe paragraph about ‘Joaquin’ Miller, which is in decided contrast to some of the fulsome flattery bestowed upon him in the East:
‘Joaquin Miller, the rhyming rhapsodist, is still in this city - lionized by a few SOI DISTANT poets, impecunious Bohemians and gunny-bag aristocrats.’”
“An Erratic Sham.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (17 November 1871) [OHS micro] [MCK]
“The Oregonian thinks that we, with unnecessary severity, ‘characterize’ ‘Joaquin Miller’ as an ‘erratic sham.’ Has the Oregonian forgotten that it, as well as the other dailies of this city, indorsed all that we said of ‘Joaquin’ while the Atlantic Ocean lay between them and himself? And will that journal, now that this new literary donkey is braying right in our very faces, grow frightened and applaud?

We have never said ‘Joaquin’ Miller was not a poet, but we do say, with the Bulletin, that he is not a man; and if our friend of the Oregonian has any fear that we have overstated the case, let him read Mrs. Miller’s letter as it appears in his paper, and satisfy himself that we have not been ‘unnecessarily severe.’”
Clarke, S.A.? “Joaquin Miller.” Letter From Oregon. Correspondence of the Union. Salem, Oregon, November 19th. 1871. Oregon Hisorical Society S.A. Clarke Scrapbook 226D. p. 195. [OHS] [MGK]
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “Joaquin Miller. Letter to the People of Oregon From the Poet’s Wife.” By M. M. Miller. New York Times (20 November 1871) [NYT online]. Reprint of Minnie’s letter to the Oregonian [MCK]
“Minnie Myrtle Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (24 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK] Paragraph notice that Minnie will lecture in Portland on November 25, 1871.
“City: ‘Lecture of Mrs. M. M. Miller.’” Oregonian (24 November 1871) [OHS micro].
“The New Northwest announces a lecture by Mrs. “Joaquin” Miller, to take place on Saturday evening at Philharmonic Hall, on the subject - ‘Behold the woman.’ Since the New Northwest went to press we learn authoritatively, that the lecture will take place at Oro Fino, Theater, Sunday evening.”
Miller, Minnie Myrtle. “To a Poet.” By M. M. M. New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (24 November 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK] Reprinted in the Oregonian (29 November 1871) [MCK]
“City: Mrs. Miller’s Lecture.” Oregonian (25 November 1871) [OHS micro] [MCK]
“We wish to say a word in behalf of Mrs. M. M. Miller who will to-morrow evening essay her first lecture. She is a woman of ability if not of genius, who is struggling to make a living for herself and children. Not blessed with health enough to work steadily, she tries her pen and voice, in hope that the public may be generous enough to listen. She deserves encouragement and help, and we trust she will find both in this first appearance in the lecture field.”
“City: Mrs. M. M. Miller’s Lecture.” Oregonian (27 November 1871) [OHS micro] [MCK] Lengthy description and Review of lecture.
“Editor’s Literary Record.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 44:259 (December 1871): 140. [MOA] [MCK]
“Recent Literature.” Review of Songs of the Sierras. Atlantic Monthly 28.170 (December 1871): 770-772. [MOA] [MCK]
Review of Songs of the Sierras. Harper’s Monthly (December 1871). [MAR] [MCK]
Anonymous. Review of Kit Carson’s Ride in Songs of the Sierras. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Vol. 44 (December 1871): 140. [RCL] [MGK]
[Howells, William Dean]. Review of Songs of the Sierras. Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 28 (December 1871): 770-772. [RCL] [MGK] [PET] [MCK]
Anonymous. “Some American Books.” Eclectic Magazine. Vol. 77 (December 1871): 677-681. [PMC] [MGK]
“Mrs. M. M. Miller’s Lecture.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (1 December 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]. Reprint of Oregonian article of November 27. Complimentary article on Minnie’s first lecture held last Sunday at Oro Fino Hall.
Minnie Myrtle lecture mentioned. Sacramento Daily Record. (6 December 1871): 3:4 [CAL] [MGK]
“Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (8 December 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
Reprint of November 2nd article from the Herald and very harsh criticism of Miller and the Herald’s defense of him. For instance, the editor writes:
“Again, the Herald pompously asserts that while in the city not one
unmanly word against his [Joaquin’s] wife escaped the poet’s lips! What self-abnegation! What superhuman self-sacrifice! . . what if this model man did deny the paternity of his children . . .”
New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (15 December 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“Mrs. M. M. Miller and the editor of this paper design starting next week upon a lecturing tour up the valley.”
Miller, M.M. “Mrs. Joaquin Miller Has the Floor.” Every Saturday Vol. 3 (23 December 1871): 611. [RCL] [MGK] [MCK]
“Reprint of a letter from Minnie Myrtle Miller to the editor of the Portland Oregonian, asking that her divorce from Miller and his treatment of their children not be considered when Miller returns to Oregon from England. He should be received ‘in a manner that will give due tribute to his genius and success’” [RCL 21] [MCK]
“Table Talk.” Appleton’s 6.143 (23 December 1871): 722. [MOA] [MCK]
“Joaquin Miller.” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (29 December 1871): 1. [MUL Micro] [MCK]
Reprint of article from Post (Philadelphia) concerning Minnie’s letter which had also been printed in the Post. In part the reprint of the five paragraph article reads:
“While the Rocky Mountain poet has won the laurel in verse, the simple story of the heroic woman who he neglected and the children for whom he failed to provide has woven a crown of thorns that rests upon the green wreath heavily; and their ragged points must inevitably be pressed hard upon his brow; obscuring its beauty and lacerating him to the very soul, by an indignant public opinion.”
“’Opinions of the Press.’” New Northwest (Portland, Oregon) (29 December 1871) [MUL Micro] [MCK]
“The New York Evening Mail, in commenting upon the letter of the poet Mrs. M. M. Miller, in relation to the domestic affairs of herself and her recreant poet-husband says:
“We ask our friends who have been so mortified over our attack upon the ‘erratic sham’ Joaquin Miller, because they feared the public would not sustain us in our Assertions, to hold up their heads and smile. We are willing to abide the consequences of ‘adverse’ opinions of the press.”
“Boston’s Literary Record: Extent and Character of its Contributions to Literature During 1871 - Over Two Hundred New Books Issued - Some of the Most Notable Publications Planned for Next Year.” New York Times (23 December1871): 2. [NYT online]. Note that the year is notable in part for Joaquin’s “sudden and brilliant rise”. [MCK]
“Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Miller.” The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. (London) Vol. 32 (30 December 1871): 846-847. [RCL] [MGK] [PET] [MCK]
“Comments on reports emanating from Oregon concerning the divorce of Joaquin and Minnie Myrtle Miller. Quotes Mrs. Miller’s letter to Oregon newspapers at length. Compares this rupture with that of Lord and Lady Byron and concludes, ‘It is necessary that the world should have poetry, but it is well perhaps that there should not be too many poets.” [RCL 18]
Kit Carson’s Ride. Appleton’s 6.144 (30 December 1871): 761. [MOA] [MCK]

Letters and Archival Papers
Miller, Joaquin. Letter to John D.Miller from London. (2 March 1871) [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19151.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to John D. Miller from London. (27 March 1871) [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19152.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to John D. Miller from London. (30 March 1871) [“The Book is done.”] [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19153.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to John D. Miller from London. (31 March 1871) [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19154.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to editor of Overland Monthly dated 4/24/1871. [HON has in JM Box I: folder O:11.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to John D. Miller from London. (25 April 1871) [Letter written on proof sheet of “Burns and Byron.”] [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19155.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to “Niles” in reference to Miller’s wife’s card mentioned by Edward Everett Hale (1917, Vol. 2, p. 115.). [MGK]
-----. Two letters to Annie (Adams) Fields from Easton, Pa. [Dates: _______, _______.] [Huntington Library, FI 3323-3324.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to John D. Miller from London. (31 May 1871) [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19260.] [MGK]
-----. Document “to the County Court…” June 10, 1871, Grant Co. Oregon. Hon has in JM Box 1: folder 012. [MGK]
-----. Letter to [Charles Warren Stoddard] from 80 Fleet St, London. (26 June 1871) 2 p. [Addressed: My dear Charley.] [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 11252.] [MGK]
-----. Letter from Joaquin Miller to Harriet P. Spofford, from Easton PA (24 August 1871) 1 p. University of Virginia [MSS 7132 Box 2] [FG] [Miller writes of being at John’s bedside for “the last five weeks” and of planning to take his two children (Maud and George) to Europe to be educated] [MGK]
-----. Letter to James H. Miller from Easton, Pennsylvania. 2 p.(15 September 1871) [University of Oregon] [LHM] [In Wagner 1929:64] [MGK]
-----. Letter to [Charles Warren] Stoddard from N[ew] Y[ork]. (23 September 1871) 2 p. [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 11247.] [MGK]
-----. Card from Joaquin Miller to the Editor. New York Tribune. (23 September 1871) [HON] [CAL notes that an excerpt appeared in California Mail Bag 1 (October-November 1871): 91.] [MGK]
-----. "A Card from Joaquin Miller." Daily Alta California. 23 no.7862 (3 October 1871): 1:5. [CAL: "Thanks to His Critics, and an Explanation in Reply to Criticisms."]
-----. "A Card from Joaquin Miller." San Francisco Newsletter and California Advertiser. (7 October 1871): 3. [FST “Miller claims he saw General William Walker.”]
-----. Letter to the New York Tribune. (7 October 1871) [MCK]
-----. Letter to Abraham Van Doren Honeyman from San Francisco, California. (30 October 1871) [Huntington Library, U.6 B10 L.F., HM 19156.] [MGK]
-----. Letter to James H. Miller. (27 November 1871) (Wagner 1929:63). [MGK]
Advertisement for Scribner’s Monthly. New York Times (September 1871?) [MCK]
Note that the issue contains Joaquin Miller’s From Sea to Sea and a Review of his poems
Advertisement for Songs of the Sierras. New York Times (16 September 1871) [NYT online]. [MCK] This ad features quotes from Harriet Prescott Spofford’s Review in the Old And New and from a Review in the Springfield Republican. [MCK]
Finding Aid to the Collection of Joaquin Miller Papers, 1871-1967. bulk 1871-1913
http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf9r29p0zb Bancroft Library.
Collection No. Banc MSS C-H 58 [BAN] [DF] [MGK]
Joaquin Miller Biographical Material. A collection of printed notices, articles, etc. cut
from periodicals and newspapers, individually mounted and arranged chronologically. 4 volumes, part 1, 1871-1899. See also part 2, 1900-1909; part 3 1910-1919; part 4 1920-1944. [HON has in JM Box 4: vols. 1-4] [MGK]

Bibliography: Printable

1840, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. 1859. 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958. 1959. 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006